
1 02, 2016

Attorney Kris Maser Featured in Richfield Chamber of Commerce Spotlight

2022-08-25T17:04:29+00:00By |News|

Kris Maser was recently featured in the Richfield Chamber of Commerce Member Spotlight. “Our firm is interested in being a part of the community in which we work. The Chamber has helped all of us learn about Richfield and the vibrant people who live and work in this community [...]

1 08, 2012

Your Vote Counts!

2020-08-04T18:09:07+00:00By |News|

I can’t stand it anymore.  I open the paper, turn on the television, the radio, or pick up the telephone and I am bombarded with campaign ads. And I assume this can only get worse after Labor Day as we head in to the home stretch towards the election in November. In the last [...]

1 07, 2012

Practice Perspective: An Extension of Women’s Role in Society (Part 1 of 2)

2023-04-28T18:57:32+00:00By |News|

In most societies, including our own, it is the woman who is the primary caregiver, the nurturer, the supporter. In a woman’s capacity as mother these tasks are performed on her children, rearing them and preparing them to be well-adjusted, productive members of society. It [...]

1 07, 2012

Practice Perspective: An Extension of Women’s Role in Society (Part 2 of 2)

2023-04-28T19:05:04+00:00By |News|

(Continued…) It was based largely upon this experience that I chose a career in elder law. I wanted to assist families in these decisions, as well as the myriad of the issues facing them. These decisions include getting a proper estate plan in place for the parent, such as f [...]

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