VA Aid and Attendance Benefits

Qualification for Non-Service Connected Pension with Aid & Attendance

Veteran, Widowed Spouse or Disabled Adult Child
(Any May be a Claimant)

  • Veteran must have served at least ninety (90) consecutive days on Active Duty; one (1) day of which must have been during a War Time period.
  • Veteran must have had other than a Dishonorable Discharge.
  • Claimant’s Physician must declare him/her as housebound and in need of assistance from another individual, which may include services offered by Home Health Care, Assisted Living, or Nursing Home Care.
  • Claimant must meet asset and income limitations.
  • Widowed spouse must have been married to the Veteran at the time of the Veteran’s death or have had children by the Veteran and never remarried. (Minor or disabled children may qualify for benefits on their own.)
  • Widowed spouse must have been living with the Veteran at the time of the Veteran’s death, unless the separation was due to Medical or Military Reasons. (There may be some exceptions related to separations due to abuse.)

2022 Maximum Pension Rates for Aid and Attendance

  • Single Veteran – $2,050/mo.
  • Married Veteran – $2,431/mo.
  • Widowed Spouse – $1,318/mo.
  • Net worth threshold for VA benefits – $138,489

Once awarded Aid and Attendance, a Veteran may obtain free Medications, Medical Equipment, Incontinence Supplies, Glasses, and Hearing Aides from the VA Hospital/Clinic via U.S. Mail without going to the VA.


“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country.” -George Washington, 1789

Thank you for your service to our country.

Did you know that veterans’ benefits can not only benefit the wartime veteran but also their spouse? Below is a list of federal and state resources for your convenience. If you are interested in learning more about life care planning or our elder care resources, please contact us at (952) 925-4147.