
About Noble Simpson

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So far Noble Simpson has created 9 blog entries.
20 02, 2021

Does a Guardian Become the Alter-Ego of the Person Subject to Guardianship

2023-03-06T23:22:48+00:00By |Elder Law|

Sometimes a guardian or conservator acts as if they are the “alter-ego” of the person subject to guardianship or conservatorship. The powers of a guardian or conservator are, however, not unlimited. For example, a guardian or conservator in Minnesota must consider the person [...]

30 11, 2020

What is the Difference Between an Oral Trust and a Constructive Trust?

2025-02-12T15:02:28+00:00By |Trusts|

In Minnesota, a will must be in writing. Minn. Stat. § 524.2-502(1). Unlike a will, a trust can be created either orally or in writing unless the trust would change an interest in land. Minn. Stat. § 501C.0407. Trusts created only orally are called “oral trusts” and have set [...]

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