Life Care Planning is a TEAM approach to organizing care for a loved one with a chronic, progressive, and/or debilitating illness. It is a service that helps people access and pay for quality care and provides guidance while navigating the healthcare maze with the assistance of:

  • Elder Law Attorneys
  • Medicaid and VA Paralegal
  • Geriatric Social Worker

A Life Care Plan answers three questions:

  1. How do you access all benefits available to you and understand which coverage or benefits pay for which service?
  2. How do you protect the maximum resources and income so that expensive long-term care costs do not consume lifetime savings, thereby preserving assets for your spouse and/or children?
  3. How does a person with a chronic illness access and pay for good long-term care?

What are the objectives of Life Care Planning?

  • CREATE estate and disability planning documents
  • AMEND and MODIFY current estate planning documents due to changing health issues
  • REVIEW and NEGOTIATE housing, health care, long term care insurance and disability contracts
  • IDENTIFY care resources and goals
  • ACCESS quality care and services
  • MAINTAIN elders’ control of decision making
  • PROTECT the healthy spouse and any dependents
  • COORDINATE health providers
  • PROVIDE on-going education, support and advocacy
  • PREVENT crises by early intervention
  • ADDRESS fear of isolation, outliving assets, unwanted life support
  • MAXIMIZE resources

What is the Process?

  • SET GOALS through a comprehensive assessment of home, caregiver, estate, benefits, care needs and financial situation
  • ANALYZE financial and health care information to help with crucial decision-making
  • APPLY funds to help maintain independence and choice
  • PROVIDE ongoing advocacy and monitoring to maximize well being, dignity and quality of life

Who Benefits from a Life Care Plan?

  • ELDERS maintain control as long as possible
  • CAREGIVERS secure quality care
  • FAMILY is supported and has peace of mind that a professional advocate is a phone call away

Maser, Amundson & Boggio, P.A. was the first law firm in Minnesota to offer this comprehensive life care planning process to their clients and families.