Caregiver TipsNovember is National Family Caregiver Month, a time to recognize and support family caregivers. It is also the month in which we reflect and express gratitude and thanks for those in our lives and, for many of us, celebrate Thanksgiving. As caregivers, it’s a good time to focus on our health and gratitude, so we can continue doing the hard work we do. The following are some tips for caregivers, courtesy of The Caregiver Action Network:

  • Seek support from other caregivers.  Caregiving can feel lonely at times, but you are not alone.
  • Set aside time each day to focus on your own physical, mental and social health so you are strong enough to continue caregiving.
  • Accept help from others and make specific suggestions of what would be helpful to you.
  • Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors.
  • Make plans for respite and take respite breaks often.
  • Watch for signs of depression and get professional help if you need it.
  • Embrace technology and how it can aid caregiving.
  • Organize medical information so it is up to date and easy to find.
  • Make sure your legal documents are in order.  If not, schedule a meeting with an elder law attorney.  It is important for caregivers to have a succession plan.  If something happens to you, have a plan for the person you care for.
  • Caregiving is hard work!  Give yourself credit for the hard work you do to keep another person healthy and safe.

Tips from The Caregiver Action Network