Lauren L. Fink

Elder Law Attorney
She | Her | Hers
Eshaan Patel
Legal Assistant


Elder law, estate planning, estate administration, and long term care planning.


JD – William Mitchell College of Law
BA – English Literature – University of Wisconsin Madison

Lauren L. Fink is a shareholder with Maser, Amundson & Boggio, P.A.  Lauren assists her clients on the implementation of estate, long term care planning, special needs, and business succession plans.  Lauren obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree, with a Major in English Literature from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and her J.D. from William Mitchell College of Law. Lauren chose to become an attorney because her parents were caretakers for many elders in her family. She saw how difficult their job was and wanted the tools to be able to act as a valued guide for others who cared for elders. Lauren’s warm approach puts her clients at ease as she helps them develop a plan making sure they are confident about their situations and futures.


Those who know me well say that I’m:

  • Concerned – I care deeply about my clients and their situations and often find myself thinking about ways to help them even when I’m not at work. My highest priority is making sure my clients are informed and confident about their situation and their future.
  • Approachable – I’m easy to talk to and make every effort to make sure people don’t feel intimidated by me. New clients tell me they feel immediately at ease around me, and are comfortable asking questions and sharing the important details about their case.
  • Good-natured – I like to focus on the lighter side of things because I believe there is always a silver lining to any situation. I laugh easily and look for ways to make both life and work more fun and enjoyable.

I chose to become an elder law attorney because my own parents were caretakers for many elders in my family. I saw how difficult their job was and wanted the tools to be able to act as a valued guide for others who cared for elders.  I was especially inspired by the elderly members of my family and felt a deep calling to dedicate my life to helping them.  Honestly, the elderly are my favorite age group. I love connecting with them, listening to their stories and establishing lasting relationships with them.

I believe that most people are kind and helpful. I was very close to my grandfather.  He lived to be 95, and I learned a lot of my life lessons from him. As he got older, he found that he needed to ask for help more frequently. He discovered that perfect strangers would go out of their way to assist him. He always told me that even though it may not always seem that way, deep down people are good and kind. I believe that to this day.

I can be the person that my clients rely on to take off the heavy burden of planning for the future or simplifying what can otherwise be a difficult and complex process.

My greatest accomplishment was completing the Half Dome hike in Yosemite National Park with a friend of mine.  It was an extremely difficult hike due to the significant increase in elevation. At the very top we had to climb vertically using railroad ties as the path was not otherwise navigable. When we completed the hike, I could barely walk.  I remember my feet were sore and I had painful blisters in several places.  Even though it was a physically exhausting endeavor, I look back on it with pride and a great sense of accomplishment.  If I can do that, I can do anything.

I’m making a difference by helping my clients make good decisions about their and their loved ones’ future.

Quote me… “Realistically…”  I focus on the facts and scenarios that are likely to occur, rather than magical thinking.

My next challenge is to get certified as a bareboat captain.  I love sailing, and with enough certification I can rent a boat anywhere in the world.  I would love to sail in the Mediterranean among the Greek isles and explore in a way that you can’t by car.

On my bookshelf is  American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

Seven words that describe me are Mama, wife, daughter, cat lover, beer connoisseur, epicurean, sailor.

One thing most people don’t know about me is I have a “wizard finger” – this means that one of my pinky fingers has more horizontal lines than the other.  The only other people I know who have this trait are my husband and my uncle. 

When I’m not working, I enjoy sailing on the St. Croix river with my husband, father and daughter. My husband and I plan to retire on a boat someday so we can travel the world.